Categories: IoT

4 IoT Applications your firm should invest in now

By admin
8 years ago

Rediscovering life with IOT – Internet of Things


We all know how much IOT has changed our lives, and all for the better. Turning your living room lights off with one tap on your iPhone makes life so much easier.  IOT truly defines what having everything at the tip of your finger means. With growing demand for these applications in our lives, the supply also has to play the game of catch-up.


Here are 4 trending IOT applications you should invest your time in:


1. Smart Home


The highest ranked IOT application across channels has a rapidly increasing demand. More than 60,000 people look up the words “Smart Home” each month. This is the time to invest in these applications as their startup funding currently exceeds $2.5 billion. This includes well-known names such as Nest, AlertMe along with many multinational organizations like Philips, Haier and Belkin.

Smart Home apps: Nest, SmartThings, WeMo


2. Wearables


This is a hot topic in the smart tech industry right now. The Apple watch was a pioneer in this sector when it first launched in 2015. Wearables tend to excite users because they are small, portable and efficient. It is easy to observe how the biggest tech firms are increasingly investing in wearables, as this is the market to watch.

Wearable apps/products: Apple Watch, FitBit, Jawbone


3. Connected Car



Owing to the fact that the development cycles in the automotive industry typically take 2-4 years, connected cars are coming up slowly. Tech giants like Microsoft, Google and Apple have already announced connected cars platforms. More than that, some brave startups are also investing in this recipe for future success as they also want a piece of the this cake that is going to make them billions of dollars in the near future.


4. Smart City

Smart city spans a wide variety of uses, from traffic management to water distribution, to waste management, urban security and environmental monitoring. Its popularity is fueled by the fact that many Smart City solutions promise to alleviate real pains of people living in cities these days. IoT solutions in the area of Smart City solve traffic congestion problems, reduce noise and pollution and help make cities safer.


Current projects

The Indian Government is currently investing $15 billion in an urban renewal and retrofitting program with a mission to develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable.


With today’s tech industry giants investing in these applications, it is clear that this is the future. Join the digital revolution and enjoy the benfits you’ll reap in just a few years time!