5 Ways IoT can Maintain Food Safety Standards

7 years ago

How IoT can help to maintain Food Safety Standards

Out of the many sectors of daily life revolutionized by IoT (Internet of Things), the food industry seems to be a sparkling example. This would not come by as much of a surprise considering the vast potential that comes with IoT. Not using the resources provided by IoT would ensure a lag in progress.

How IoT adds value to food production/distribution?

Food industry seems to have benefited largely due to IoT. Considering how globalized the food industry has become, regulating and maintaining food safety standard has become all the more essential. But this is no easy task. The scope of error is always there in every industry. However, in the food industry, the smallest error could lead to life-threatening consequences.

There is an increased demand from consumers, which mean that technological advancements need to be brought into action to meet these demands faster and better. Ensuring high standards of food safety the becomes difficult but just cannot be overlooked.

This is when IoT comes into the picture and makes things better for an industry that aims to keep the world fed.

How IoT elevates the efficacy of food safety standards?

Here is how IoT makes managing and maintaining food safety standards easier:

1 – Tracking and tracing goods

When it comes to any kind of food, its shelf life is of prime importance. When you are able to track and trace goods that go into making your most relished delicacies, you ensure that only the freshest of the goods are used.

This tracking and tracing of goods also enable industries to narrow down on the origins of the goods that come in, thereby ensuring there is no contaminant present in the ingredients used.

2 – Data allows predictions

The best feature that IoT allows is the prediction of the most possible outcomes using the vast amount of data at hand. When you bring terabytes of information regarding suppliers, pest control companies and average shelf life of goods, you can predict accurately the most plausible outcomes.

You can foresee potential pest infestations and allow you to take evasive measures before it happens.

3 – Improving inventory settings

A good inventory is essential in the food industry. Applying the vastness of data that comes with IoT can be used to optimize inventories. IoT is a resourceful tool. It tells you when you would need to order the stock and what would you need to store them efficiently.

This also avoids food wastage as smart inventories would notify the officials about certain thresholds approaching and when restocking would be necessary.

4 – Optimising logistics

Being on time is a mandate when handling foodstuff. IoT optimizes logistics. Timely and safe transportation of ingredients is now a possibility. All this without hampering the quality of its shelf life. This also adds to its cost-efficiency.

5 – Accurate reporting

Keeping a track of all the resources used could be a taxing affair in the food industry. IoT not only makes the environment paperless, but it also makes the whole deal a lot more accurate. You would never miss a track about the resources you use to maintain healthy food standards.

IoT may have its applications across a variety of sectors, but its implications in the food industry have made a possibility of optimizing the production and distribution of food worldwide.