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Category: Javascript frameworks

The Evolution of Web Development: From HTML to Progressive Web Apps

Since its inception, the field of web development has undergone a remarkable journey of innovation and reinvention. From the early days of static HTML pages to the immersive experiences of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), the development of the web has evolved throughout time, reflecting both the quick advancement of technology and the constantly shifting expectations of users . This blog explores this fascinating development, tracing the route from HTML to the world of PWAs.

1)Laying the Foundation: The HTML Era 

  • The introduction of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in the 1990s laid the foundation for modern web development.
  •  HTML gave web pages a basic structure by utilizing straightforward tags to format text, incorporate images and create hyperlinks.
  •  Early webpages lacked intricacy and were largely static. To organize content HTML had to be mastered for designing.
  •  The development of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which separates content from aesthetics, gave developers more power. 
  • This division made it possible to precisely manipulate the visual and layout elements. Developers could now adjust the visual design of websites without changing the content itself. 
  • The foundation for dynamic and aesthetically pleasing web experiences was created by the symbiotic evolution of HTML and CSS, paving the way for the ongoing advancement of web development. 

2)Interactivity and Dynamic Content through JAVA Script 

  • The introduction of JavaScript in the mid 1990s revolutionized web development. 
  • It facilitated the transition from static web pages to dynamic web apps by enabling developers to add interactivity and dynamic elements to websites.
  •  Without requiring a full page reload, websites may now respond to user inputs, validate forms and change content.
  •  This crucial development signaled a turning point in the development of the web
  • This growth was further expedited by JavaScript libraries and frameworks like jQuery, which made development simpler and sped up the process. 
  • This time period created the foundation for today’s web environment, where dynamic content and easy user interaction are now fundamental elements of the online experience.

3)The Rise of Dynamic Web Applications 

  • Dynamic web applications first appeared in the early 2000s, combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing user interfaces. 
  • Notably, the introduction of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) was revolutionary since it made server data retrieval possible without requiring page reloads. 
  • This innovation played a pivotal role in shaping the evolution of custom web application development by enabling developers to create responsive and interactive experiences.
  • This innovation sparked the growth of web apps like Gmail, which enable users to browse emails conveniently on the same page. 
  • Because AJAX is asynchronous, developers can create experiences that are more responsive and fluid, moving away from static web pages. 

The Evolution of Web Development: From HTML to Progressive Web Apps


4)The Era of Responsive Design 

  • Due to the increased use of mobile devices, web designers now had to adapt websites to different screen sizes and orientations.  
  • Responsive web design, a crucial idea that encourages the production of flexible websites that dynamically reconfigure their structure and content to suit users’ devices, was born out of this situation. 
  • Whether a user was accessing the site via a desktop, tablet or smartphone, responsive design was important since it could guarantee user pleasure by delivering consistent and optimized experiences. 
  • The resulting harmonization of digital experiences and alignment with users’ changing expectations signaled a paradigm shift in web development.

5)Web Development Frameworks 

  • Web development frameworks came into being as a result of the requirement for efficiency and standardization. 
  • The three most prominent frameworks that introduced the idea of component-based architecture are Angular, React, and Java
  • This innovation made it possible for developers to create complex web apps more quickly. These frameworks promoted code modularity and reusability by making it easier to create reusable components.
  •  They also streamlined development operations by simplifying the processing of program state and user interfaces. The consistency and scalability of projects were improved during this transition, which represented a turning point in online development. 
  • As a result, instead of wrestling with the complexities of creating apps from scratch, developers could concentrate more on creating new functions, changing the course of online development.

6)Progressive Web Apps(PWA): Bridging Web &Mobile Apps 

  • PWAs were created to satisfy the growing need for app-like interactions on the web.
  •  PWAs combine native mobile app immersion with online accessibility to combine the best aspects of both worlds. They include features like push alerts, offline accessibility, and improved speed. 
  • A key PWA technology that enables web pages to cache resources and operate offline is the service worker. 
  • With this invention, web development will no longer require online connectivity, as it did with traditional web development. 
  • By providing seamless experiences regardless of connectivity, successfully bridging the gap between online and native applications and altering user expectations for web interactions, PWAs represent a paradigm shift.

Key Characteristics of PWA 

  • Offline Access: PWAs use caching techniques to keep vital assets on hand so users may access material even when offline.
  • Responsive and adaptive: PWAs are responsive and adaptable, offering a uniform user experience across platforms regardless of the device or screen size.
  • App-like experience: PWAs imitate the experience of native applications through fluid animations and navigation.
  • Push notifications: PWAs have the ability to give users push alerts even when the app is not active.
  • Fast Loading: By caching resources, service workers, a key PWA technology, offer speedy loading times.
  • Secure: PWAs are delivered over HTTPS, which guarantees user confidence and data security.
  • Discoverable: Just like conventional websites, PWAs may be indexed by search engines.

7)Web Assembly and Beyond: Evolving Ecosystem 

  • A pioneering force driving the growth of web development is Web Assembly (Wasm). 
  • It enables programmers to run code written in languages like C, C++, and Rust in web browsers at speeds that are very close to native. 
  • This innovation makes it possible for complex programs like video editing software and game engines to function without a hitch in the browser environment. Wasm adds a new level of adaptability and promise by bridging the performance gap between web and native applications. 

In conclusion, the evolution of web development from HTML to PWAs, is a monument to human creativity and the unrelenting pursuit of better user experiences. Each stage has expanded the capabilities of the web, from static sites to dynamic web apps, responsive design and the emergence of PWAs. As technology develops, web development will remain a dynamic industry, influencing how we engage with the digital world. 


GoodWorkLabs is the world’s leading software and app development company that delivers cutting-edge custom solutions for global customers. We help our customers ideate, design, develop and launch beautiful & scalable software solutions to succeed in their industries. At GoodWorkLabs Dubai, San Francisco, Bangalore, and Kolkata, India, our approach to developing world-class Enterprise Apps involves comprehensive planning and an Enterprise App Strategy that is guaranteed to address critical business needs. We develop Enterprise Apps that are built to outlast the market while being able to adapt to various factors such as form factors and changing user/business needs. From the Enterprise App Development perspective, our main goal is to not only create a seamlessly connected and quick business application, but it is also to ensure that all information transfer is secure and protected. We are a team of Enterprise App Developers who are constantly experimenting with new technology and finding better ways to work on creating strong business impact. That, we believe, is our core strength while developing cutting- edge Enterprise Mobility and App Solutions.

Top 10 features of Angular 8

AngularJS is one of the most powerful javascript framework in the world today. Mainly maintained by Google, it is used by developers all over the world to create web applications, especially single-page web applications.

It is often the frontend of the MEAN stack which also uses other frameworks like MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js.

AngularJS is open-source and uses a simple Model-View-Controller framework that is very similar to the basic framework used by Javascript in general. It is supported by a huge community and updates to the framework are regular and meaningful.

The last major version release for the framework was Angular 7 which was released on 18th October 2018 and the next major version, Angular 8 was released around 2019.

In this article, we look at some of the most anticipated features that are present in the latest version of the world’s favorite javascript framework.


#1 – Preview of Ivy

Ivy is a testing feature that’ll come bundled with AngularJS 8. It is an innovation in the testing aspect of the framework. With the preview of Ivy, you will get a new rendering tool which can help you in testing your web app.

Do note that Angular 8 will only contain a preview of Ivy which wouldn’t be switched on by default. It is an opt-in feature and you will have to enable it, which can be done just by turning the Ivy switch on. In order to enable Ivy in your code, you will have to use the following switch in the code “-enable-ivy”. Ivy is going to change the way we test our apps forever and Angular 8 is a great framework to start it with.


#2 – Lazy Loading

Even though lazy loading is a part of the current Angular version, it is expected to be improved and made much more convenient in Angular 8. Lazy loading is a routing technique used in AnuglarJS that aims to speed up the loading time of the web app. It does so simply by ensuring that only those web resources are loading which is requested by the browser.

A lot of improvements will be seen in terms of lazy loading in Angular 8. Most developers will also notice that Angular 8 will support EcmaScript imports which are dynamic.


#3 – Node 10 Support

NodeJS and AngularJS are two javascript frameworks that are often used together as part of the MEAN stack when it comes to developing web applications. Angular 8 is going to be fully compatible with the latest version of NodeJS, Node 10.

This will be particularly useful to web developers who rely heavily on the MEAN stack and make their lives a lot easier. NodeJS and AngularJS are two of the most commonly used combos when developing web applications and increasing the compatibility between the different frameworks will make designing, maintaining, and updating web applications with new technology a lot easier.


#4 – TypeScript 3.1 support

TypeScript is essentially used to make coding in JavaScript much easier and convenient. It was developed by Microsoft to provide a tool that makes the life of a web developer much easier when it comes to coding in Javascript. Angular uses TypeScript and that’s essentially the syntax followed by the framework. You code something in TypeScript which Angular then coverts into plain javascript and runs it online.

Angular 8 comes with the support of TypeScript 3.1 which is a pretty major update over the previous iterations of the framework. Developers can now use all the latest features of TypeScript when working on their Angular projects. This not only makes coding in Angular easier but makes the codebase much more efficient and easy to understand due to the simplicity of TypeScript.


#5 – CLI Prompt

During the development process of any app, there are a lot of iterations and there is also the use of different processes throughout the entire development period. By the time the first stable version of the app is released, a lot of those features that were present during the development cycle would be removed from the app.

To make the development process easier, Angular 8 comes with a new feature known as CLI prompt. The CLI prompt enables you to selectively pick the processes that you want to be included in the running version of your app. This, in turn, means that you have complete control over the CLI which aids a lot when it comes to the development of web apps.


#6 – Other CLI Features

Due to the CLI prompt, there are a number of other features that come into play with Angular 8. These features can help developers create better apps in a shorter timeframe and make the Javascript framework even better. Some of the best features provided by the complete control over CLI include the following:

  1. You have the option of virtual scrolling which can be a shortcut to manually scrolling through a lot of options. This feature is usually found under the UI libraries.
  2. Reordering lists and changing the places of elements is known to be somewhat problematic in Angular. With complete control over the CLI in Angular 8, you can simply just drag and drop elements to replace or reorder them.
  3. The latest version of Angular 8 also supports the ShadowDOM API.


#7 – Differential Loading

Differential Loading is an Angular 8 feature that will make web apps load faster and perform better. Differential loading is a simple concept but it can really boost the performance of most web apps.

Essentially, when you build the code for production, two different bundles are created instead of just one. One of them will support ES2015+ and then there will be another bundle that will provide support for the older browsers that still only run the ES5 version of JavaScript.

The correct bundle will be automatically loaded based on browser data. This will result in web apps loading a lot faster and performing better because modern browsers would have to deal with less code and a lower amount of polyfills.


#8 – Web workers

JavaScript, by definition, has always been single-threaded. Most tasks are handled asynchronously because of the single-threaded nature of JavaScript. However, complex calculations are not really that fast on single-threads.

As JavaScript is being increasingly used in frameworks like Angular to create web apps all over the world, the requirements have become more intensive. This is where web workers come into play. Although they are not exactly a part of Angular 8, this version of the framework does come with a way to implement web workers via the CLI.

With web workers, it becomes much easier to perform complex calculations and tasks which are CPU-intensive in a background thread while the main thread deals with updating the user interface in real-time. Web workers will allow developers to create even more powerful online apps and are a sign of things to come in the future.


#9 – Bazel

Angular 8 allows you to build your CLI application with Bazel, in a much more faster and convenient manner now. There are many advantages of using Bazel to build your applications including being able to make your backend and frontend with the same tool, incremental build and tests, and remote builds and cache.

Most developers would appreciate the incremental build and tests that are part of Bazel. It makes the application development and testing process a lot easier as subsequent rebuilds work on an increment level and run only those tests which are required instead of testing all aspects of the web application all over again. This will not only make the lives of developers easier but it’ll also reduce the build and rebuild times for most web developers across the world.


#10 – Dynamic imports for the lazy routes

Lastly, most people familiar with Angular know that loading lazy routes required using a custom string in the previous versions of Angular. However, with Angular 8, it is possible to dynamically import lazy routes too.

Whereas the previous syntax used to be –

{path: ‘/teacher’, loadChildren: ‘./teacher/teacher.module#TeacherModule’ }

With Angular 8’s support for lazy routing, the syntax now would look something like this –

{path: `/teacher`, loadChildren: () => import(`./teacher/teacher.module`).then(s => s.TeacherModule) }

This feature will make the code base more standardized. If you use the ng-upgrade command to update your app to the latest version of Angular 8, you’ll notice all imports for lazy routes will be changed to the new syntax.



Angular 8 is one of the best Java frameworks in the world today. It is supported by one of the biggest coding communities in the world and along with other frameworks like NodeJS and MongoDB, it has made JavaScript the language of the internet.

Due to a pretty big community of coders behind the framework, there are always exciting new improvements and developments in the core framework of Angular. Most of these changes are driven by the community which is what makes Angular so popular in the web development community across the world.

Visit us today at GoodWorkLabs and learn more about us!

Understanding Node.js and its Potential

Does building a web server sound complicated? But it doesn’t have to be. Do you know that you can create a web server in a couple of lines of code? Yes. You can create a web server in a couple of lines of code with the help of Node.js. Research says that around 49% of software developers use Node.js in building advanced blogs.

Now, let us see what exactly the term Node.js is.


What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment. It functions on various computing platforms. Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine is used for building Node.js

The engine can successfully convert JavaScript code into an efficient low-level machine code that can operate on the computers without any interpretation. 

Node.js operates on the computers as a standalone application. 

This unifies the web application development around the single programming language rather than using various styles for the server-side projects and the client-side scripts.

Node.js has an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) which permits the asynchronous input and output functions. The set up also allows enhancing the scalability and the throughput in the web applications that have several I/O operations and real-time web-based applications like browser games. It is always essential to understand that while the JavaScript files have the extension .js, “Node.js” is the product name in the reference frame.


How Node.js aids in building applications?

Node.js consists of all the features you need whenever you run a program written in JavaScript. This allows you to use JavaScript to code the command line tools. In addition to that, it also enables server scripting, thereby permitting to create dynamic web page content before you send it to the user’s browser. 


What is Node.js used for?

Node.js is used in various applications. The experts say that Node.js has increasing demand coming second to Big Data specialists. The main reason for these increasing demands is multiple uses and advantages of Node.js. Many renowned corporate companies across the globe make use of Node.js. 

Let us now discuss why they are using Node.js for.

1)   Creating Chat rooms

Whenever it comes to developing some real-time applications like chat rooms, Node.js shines brightly. Although many people these days use phone applications and social media for communication, the chat rooms are still means of correspondence between the users and the brands. 

These features help in experiencing better use of applications like online games. The other things that contribute to better the experience of using forms are Big Data and Machine Learning

You must be thinking why Node.js is useful in creating chat rooms? This is because Node.js is excellent for developing high-traffic, data-intensive, and light-weight applications that are ideal for creating the chat rooms as they the incarnation of all these features.

2)   Collecting Large Data

The software can be used whenever you gather significant amounts of information. Since the extraction of the database is a blocked function, receiving large amounts of data can result in a hold-up. 

With Node.js, you can also gather this information and relay it to the back-end progressively. Hence, avoiding any system jams whenever storing the data becomes more effortless.

3)   Audio and Video streaming

All the files that are uploaded to the streaming sites like Veyo and YouTube must be processed before they are heard or viewed by people. This typical process of audio and video uploads saves lots of time and also makes the uploads accessible faster. 

Node.js is used beyond all these purposes. The back-end application, REST API tools and utilities, messaging middleware, blogs, social apps, HTML5 multiplayer game servers, among the other applications that are not CPU intensive, can be written in Node.js.

Here, we will learn how Node.js helps you in making a blog. This is a sequential process that you can follow for developing light-weight blogs with Node.js faster. 

Here, the commands and tools used in the development are associated with Mac. The express version would be 4.16.4. While the development process, if you hit a deadlock, then you can always Google for finding the perfect solutions. 

So, let us start with a procedure to create a light-weight blog with Node.js. 


How to Build a Simple Engaging blog using Node.js?

The first and foremost step is downloading Node.js on your machines and later install it. After the installation, you need to select the location where you will be saving your project. Then, open a new folder for the blog and create an app.js file in it. 

Make use of a node package manager for initializing the project. This step would allow you to manage the dependencies used in the project way more effectively with the help of package.js on. Hence remember to provide the application app.js whenever asked about the entry point.


Start Building

Then use Express for setting up your web server fast. Hence, firstly, write, and then run the Express installation code. This particular express code is necessary for saving dependency locally so that you can use it in your application. Next, you need to write the code in app.js.


Provide a New Route for Serving Your Page

Next step is writing code to add a new route to the server page. After hitting the way, the index page must be rendered. Let us backtrack here for creating the index view to make sure to run the relevant code. 

Then write a simple HTML file in the index.html. You should provide more dynamic features and add a form that will post to your web application.


Restarting Your Application

You need to restart the application and go to the specific port in order to check your progress thus far. You will then realize that you should store your posts from within the form as it would be posting everything to “add post”. Hence you should create a route for the same and the schema which would store all that information.


Installation of MongoDB

For the database connection, you can use MongoDB. Hence, install MongoDB on your machine and then create a data folder which stores all your database system. Then, give specific folder appropriate permissions by running the relevant code. After running the MongoDB terminal, you are set to go. 

For launching a Mongo, you need to open a new window and then run it. After that, provide proper code in the terminal for enabling mongoose for handling all the connections in the mongo database. 

Always be sure to provide the body parse for enabling the application to parse the post data bit. Hence, in your terminal and web application, you need to run the codes for the installation of the body-parser.


Setting up the Schema

For setting up the schema and its model, create a mongoose schema. The next step is to add all the relevant parameter definitions. After doing that, you need to assign a mongoose model to it by providing the necessary codes.


Adding the “add post” Route

Provide an “add post” route that would be storage for all the information. Also, redirect to your particular path after finishing this and add an error whenever required. You need to take hold of the information before sending the same to view in the root route. 

Next, provide a correct code in the index.html for displaying all the saved posts. Always keep Mongo running before you run node app.js. Then gauge your progress by looking at your hosting port.

Now, let us get down to the significant benefits of using Node.js as a programming language.

Advantages of Node.js

1) Node.js is scalable

The critical benefit of Node.js is the developers find it easier to scale the applications in horizontal and vertical directions. All the forms can be mounted in a parallel manner by adding nodes to the existing system.

Node.js also offers the option of adding extra resources to single nodes during the vertical scaling of the application. Hence it is highly scalable and also provides a better choice than the other JavaScript servers. 

2) Easier to Learn

As JavaScript is a popular programming language, many front-end developers have a good grasp of it. It becomes more comfortable to use Node.js at the back-end as learning Node.js consumes less time.

3) Node.js can be used as a single programming language

Node.js offer developers a luxury to write server-side applications in JavaScript. It allows the Node.js developers to write both front-end and back-end web applications in JavaScript via a runtime environment. They do not need to use any other server-side programming language that makes the deployment of the web application much more straightforward as all the web browsers support JavaScript.


Final Word

Here, we have defined Node.js, the various uses of this software, and the step by step process is highlighted by creating a light-weight blog with the help of Node.js. Welcome to real-time application building! To know more about us, visit us today at GoodWorkLabs and learn more about us. 




The Winning Combination of Ionic and AngularJS for Hybrid Application Development

Due to the increase in mobile application growth, a significant change has taken place in our daily habits and browsing activities. Almost 44.3% of software engineers use angular to create interactive and intuitive UIs, according to proven statistics. This traction is enjoyed by this combination because of the benefits of AngularJS and Ionic and the synergy offered

These days, the creation of cross-platform apps is pretty much in the talks.

AngularJS and Ionic are considered to be the winning combinations throughout the globe to create mobile applications. Previously there was the internet, and now mobile applications have become the only explanation why our working habits and surfing preferences have changed. 

 Developers go all the guns and make the most of cutting-edge technologies, frameworks, and networks to build mobile apps that are incredibly useful and high-end without much trouble. 

In our daily habits and browsing practices, a significant transformation has taken place, all due to the rise in the production of mobile apps. As a consequence, there are many state-of-the-art tools, frameworks, and platforms to ease developers ‘ tasks.

It turns out that AngularJS and Ionic are one of the best tools to create mobile apps across all major platforms and since most of today’s apps are data-driven, using a platform built from the ground up to solve this problem makes sense. Let’s try to understand the benefits of AngularJS and Ionic in-depth:


The Ionic framework:-

The programming platform for open-source HTML5 is predominantly used to create hybrid mobile applications. Such applications deliver a variety of benefits compared to native apps, such as increasing development speed and promoting the platform.

It also manages user UI interactions with the backup and beautiful layout of native mobile components. Ionic also focuses on UI experiences and an app’s look and feel.

Ionic also provides a light theme and a dark theme for mobile applications with an elegant and practical user interface. Some of Ionic’s exciting features are the best typography, mobile elements, an extensible base design, and immersive paradigms.


The AngularJS framework:-

Some of the best reasons why people prefer Angular so much are to communicate with backend web services and external data sources. This is also another best benefits of AngularJS and Ionic. 

Beyond that, the system is available with some of the most mature and state-of-the-art software development practices. In reality, creating a mobile app with Angular will inevitably lead to highly efficient and reliable software that will increase as you stack on the apps.


Construct Ionic & Angular mobile apps:-

One of the main reasons why not look beyond these frameworks is that both serve as an all-in-one tool when combined to create the new and most extensive iteration of your project.

Launched in 2009, Angular seems to have grown in terms of popularity, and the Javascript framework has been widely used to date. Simplicity and developmental ease were a few factors that made it reasonably necessary.

Although Ionic, on the other hand, is known primarily for its component-based architecture, software reusability, and beautiful user interface.

With multiple web development languages, including CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript; Ionic appears to have received a lot of reactions in no time.

Further benefits those can be gained by using the winning combination of AngularJS and Ionic are mentioned below: 


One application many platforms:-

Many experts will discover new ways to create immersive and flexible mobile apps for excellent user experience with the advent of modern technology.

Over 4 million developers around the globe have been using Ionic to create over 2 million apps so far. More specifically, it is believed to be one of the most robust SDK available for the application platform for HTML5 mobile apps.

This, in turn, provides a variety of advantages compared to native apps. Ionic also provides a complete library of optimized mobile HTML, JS and CSS tools and modules, built-in SaaS, and AngularJs optimization.

Code writing is automatically minimized to multiple platforms. It means that a single app can run on all mobile platforms from Android to Windows, iOS, and so on.


Three-way data binding:-

Over the years, data binding has been popular among developer circles around the world. Three-way data binding essentially means that the UI will also refresh once the software template is updated.

Another best benefits of AngularJS and Ionic when Angular and Ionic working together; the model is automatically updated to suit whenever the UI is changed. Three-way data binding is called the linking of two-way data.

In Three-way data linking, not only you will be able to synchronize UI and in-memory data, but will also be able to sync data without backend services in a trouble-free way.

If you take input from a user and try to process it, save it to the server and keep the UI in Sync; this is one of Angular’s easy things to do. You’ll find Angular data-binding from a jQuery or native iOS/Android background to be a huge time saver for mobile development.


Logic reused:-

Mobile app developers can keep their views (UI), data model, and system logic separate by combining Ionic and AngularJS. It also means that on multiple platforms, you can reuse the web application logic while still enabling you to customize the UI for each platform.

Earlier, when it came to targeting laptops, tablets, and mobile users, the only choice was to build a separate desktop website and create an iOS or Android app.

Hold the application’s features (in controllers) apart from the way the application looks today. App development is not risky, expensive, and time-consuming, and risky.



Did you find the word Dependency Injection (DI)? Developers can easily pull parts of your code from anywhere by using the definition.

One downside of this is how convenient it becomes for testing to mock part of your code, the best way to substitute a real element that fakes the feature for testing purposes.

After all, any time you want to make a change in the app, there is no time to waste on setting up and debugging a complete physical environment.


Enhance mobile UI:-

Ionic is an SDK front end based on AngularJS, which is the most popular library for JavaScript.It also enables the incorporation of products like push notifications and analytics as a network.


One Application for Many Platforms:-

Although iOS and Android continue to be the two most lucrative platforms for mobile applications, the other platforms, notably BlackBerry and Windows Phone, cannot be entirely written off either.

A hybrid is a logical option for business applications, particularly in businesses with BYOD policies. JQuery Mobile is Ionic’s predecessor and can still be created.

Nevertheless, for its simplicity and robust development forum, Ionic has picked up the pace that has often added new features and helped the project expand.


The Ionic Goodies:-

There is very little that Ionic doesn’t love–it’s perfect for UI, debugging, efficiency, and building. The system has hundreds of modules and configurations are expanded.

The product reliability is outstanding, and the interaction between the components is smooth. The application layout depends on the device with the new version, and Ionic follows specific guidelines for element display from individual platforms.

It also provides detailed descriptions of the conversion, styling, and other platform-specific actions. Developers can overwrite particular types, transformations, or behaviors using $ionicConfigProvider.


Complete Ionic:- 

The cross-platform software lets you build a broader market base and provides consumers with more exposure. Ionic incorporates AngularJS, HTML5+CSS, and access to native application features using Cordova.

With features that are implemented naturally as native apps on a standard base code, it offers excellent support and comprehensive possibilities.


Creation of Components:-

For the production of hybrid applications, many mobile app designers would complain about the effort needed to create icons and splash screens. It is important to consider individual parameters such as height, length, weight, system, and a host of other things.

Numerous splash screens and icons will have to be produced to do full justice. On Ionic, you need to build two files in the asset folder –.psd,.aior.png, define the model, and you are done.


Performance of the Ionic Applications:-

Typically, hybrid applications are not known for their efficiency. Nevertheless, Ionic has configured UI components for platform-wide performance with embedded Crosswalk in the CLI.

With its JavaScript base, the Ionic framework allows app developers greater access to multiple platforms without losing performance. 



Using a hybrid mobile app development framework, mobile app developers may hope to build sophisticated applications.

And, for now, that’s all! Know the best of both worlds by taking advantage of using Angular and Ionic winning combinations for mobile app growth.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit us today at GoodWorkLabs and let us assist you on how to make the most of this opportunity.

10 Things Everyone Must Know About the Java Microservices

For software architects, microservices are the wave of the future. Sounds convincing? To learn more about the advantages of microservices architecture, check out the top 10 reasons.

Also, make sure that you know about all the barriers in terms of technical complexity, stack, and more moving to the microservices architecture.

Java is a language that has been around for some time, and people wonder if it is useful in a microservices setting. This article explains the advantages of microservices architecture and why Java still has a lot of significance in contemporary apps such as microservices.


The Need for writing the microservice applications in Java

For excellent reasons, Java is a common linguistic option. The language is strong, with years of experience working with critical apps for missions and evolving with the emergence of fresh planning models. The near-omnipresent use of Java in company apps has developed an extensive pool of Java-based software developers. Even when fresh apps are created, it is useful to use current abilities.

The intensive learning curves are provided by microservices with the addition of a language to the mix which may increase the danger. It presents yet more unidentified information about the creation, deployment, and administration of a manufacturing microservice implementation.

To revolutionize your organization, it’s always positive to keep an eye on the upcoming technologies, frameworks, languages. If in your monolithic framework you are still cemented in your cube messing around with code, then you probably live in the past, where you have a small application and some employees to handle it.

JavaScript is usually used for the application front end (particularly for web-based applications). Java for battle-tested data management is also common in the background. While there is still a lot of space for spectral variations, Java is great for writing micro-services.

Nowadays, things have been changing. You have to go a step forward and walk with the revolutionary technologies where microservices are among the leaders. Are you looking for the best reasons to invest time in learning microservices with a view to becoming an architect and developing applications using them?

This article will help you in learning various advantages of microservices architecture and various reasons so as to why learn microservices.

  • Various Tools can be used flexibly as and when required

The architecture of microservices encourages the use of the most suitable technology for the service’s specific needs. Each service is free to use its own language, framework or auxiliary services. The services still communicate easily with the other services in the application even with the use of such diverse frameworks.


  • High-Quality code is provided

The entire framework is modularized into discrete components following the microservices architecture. This helps the application development team concentrate on one specific job at a time. In turn, this simplifies the overall process of coding and testing.


  • Various Applications can be easily Built and Maintained

The team of developers divides into the following activities as and when the products built by developers become stable and are available for customers.

  • Implementing various new features
  • Bug fixing
  • Modifications in the existing features

If the product is based on a monolithic framework, each change to the codebase must pass through all stages of construction, maintenance, and deployment. Microservices are a savior in these situations!


  • The Technology Stack

The technology stack is difficult enough to decide for a monolithic application, but for every microservice, this decision must now be taken. What seems theoretically attractive can become difficult in practice if your services are too heterogeneous. Standardization is becoming a problem and cowboy behavior is possible. It’s also more difficult when every team has a totally different stack for people to move between teams.

It is always recommended to have a balanced approach where the application has a preferred technology stack. If any team wishes to override this default stack, it should justify the fact that it is better suited for microservice with advantages and disadvantages. Your stack of technologies should include the language of programming, test, and logging, cloud providers, facilities, storage, monitoring, etc.


  • Improvements in the Scalability

The main aspect of microservices is scalability. Since each service is a separate part, a single function or service can be expanded without the application being scale-up in full. Business services for increased availability and performance on multiple servers can be used without affecting the efficiency of other services.


  • Faster Market Time

Due to the fact queuing up of microservices, you don’t need to rewrite all the codebase for a feature to be included or modified. Only a specific service will be changed. You can quickly market your application and services by the development of applications in smaller increments that can be independently tested and deployed.


  • The Complex Operations

The complexity of operations is much increased by microservices as operations must be revised from a fundamental point of view. The following aspects must be considered:



The definition of microservice infrastructure requirements and subsequently the provision and maintenance of infra for each microservice creates a level of complexity which most monolithic Ops engineers are not used to. Furthermore, as these services are expanded and reduced, the infrastructure must be automatically provided and reduced, thus requiring a very advanced level of automation.


Load balancing and scaling

It is likely you will need a much more complex, scaling strategy than with monolithic, ever-scale(x-axis) applications. If you need to scale all the services or just a subset when there’s a high demand, you’ll need to figure out with Microservices. The y-axis scaling is essential for the operations team, as the microservices approach and z-Axis scaling are consistent to obtain x and y.


Service detection

Dynamically, due to scaling and upgrades, the set of service instances of a world with microservices. Services also have dynamic network locations, so you need a way to discover new services. For this, it is always recommended to go for a registry service such as Consul because it works very well.



This must be configured and maintained on every microservice to make the operations team engineers more complex. In addition, the surveillance solution must manage situations for increasing and downloading a subset of facilities.


  • Delivery is Continuous

In contrast to monolithic apps where devoted teams operate for each individual function like database manipulation, server logic retention, microservices utilizes the continuous delivery model to manage the entire application lifecycle.

The developers, the test teams and the operations team work together on the construction, testing and debugging of a single service.


  • Risk Reducer

Every service in the microservices framework is a distinct entity, which enables localization, increased confidence in quality, and end-to-end regression scenarios. Even if one service or application element is down, the entire application will not decrease. Rather, the designers only need to rebuild that specific service or element. This decreases the danger of your company application being completely dropped!!


  • Delivery is Continuous

In contrast to monolithic applications in which dedicated teams are working on discreet functions such as UI, database, server logic and technology, microservices employ cross-functional teams to operate on a continuous delivery model for the entire life cycle of an application. Testing and deployment become simple and instantaneous when developers, activities and test teams operate on one service concurrently. Code is constantly being created, tested and implemented through this strategy of incremental development, and instead of reinventing the wheel; you can use code from current libraries.



As you can see, Java is greatly suited for microservices because of many reasons along with the advantages of microservices architecture. For more information and some good practice tips, check out our official website of Goodwork Labs  and learn more about us.

So, what you are waiting for, contact us today.

Vue.js or React.js- Who is the winner of the battle?

Which is one is better, Vue.js or React.js? This debate is going on for a long time. We chose this topic to provide more clarity and finish this debate once and for all.

The array of frameworks and language pops up every day and it is quite difficult to decide which ones are worth paying attention to. As we all know that javascript programming has become a very renowned and well-known scripting language with first-class functions. We being a software development company, cannot neglect the most popular frameworks of this period that is Vue.js and React.js. 

Vue.js and React.js are front end javascript frameworks that are highly efficient and facilitate the job of the developer to build web applications by providing vulnerable and pragmatic features. Let us discuss what precisely Vue.js and React.js frameworks are all about.

1.1 What is Vue.js?

Value.js has become predominantly used javascript frameworks worldwide. It enables you to create single-page web applications. Its core library focuses on the view layer and it is one of the fastest-growing frameworks that support updating models and views via 2-way data binding. 

Vue.js was introduced in 2014, which extensively started being download since 2017 by the users. It took the market by storm. 

Statistically, total number of websites using Vue are 5,23,510 that includes hosting data, contact details, and location information. Coming over to the number of live websites which are currently 2,47,494 and an additional domains that redirects to site in this list are 3,84,888. The number of websites that were using vue as their framework were 2,76,016 and 978 websites are using vue completely in India.

You can check the whole websites list using Vue.

1.2 What is React.js?

React.js is an open-source javascript framework that is used for building user-interfaces. You can effortlessly build single-page applications through React.js. Moreover, it can also be used for making applications on the client-side along with working on the server-side. It is one of the biggest positives of React.js that it could be used to develop cross-platform applications. 

React.js simplifies the coding and it also enables the developer to reuse the code for rapid development. It creates a particular data structure in order to make changes and update the browser by utilizing the concept of Virtual DOM. 

One can create attractive and reusable UI components through its library. It is very convenient for the components which represent frequently changing data. You can easily break user interfaces into components to build reusable user interfaces instead of using HTML or templates. Many renowned such as Whatsapp, Yahoo, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Microsoft uses React.js framework. Moreover, React.js is backed by professional developers from Facebook who are always looking to rectify and improve it. 

React.js was introduced in 2013 and started gaining recognition among the users from 2016. 

Getting over to the numbers 13,75,412 websites are using react including contact details, location information, and hosting data. Total number of live websites are 2,58,620 at present and 6,48,536 are additional domains that redirect the sites to this list. The number of sites that were using this technology previously were 11,16,792 and the websites which are using react currently in india are 1534. 

You can check the entire websites list using react.

 Pros and Cons of Vue.js


2.1 Pros of Vue.js

Listed below are some of the advantages of Vue.js-

  • Small Size- The file size of Vue.js comprises of only 18KB to 20KB. It also allows the users to split the run time and the template-to-virtual-DOM compiler
  • Smoother integration- Whether it is a complex web interface or a single-page application, it provides simple and enhanced integration of smaller parts. It allows the component logic and structure to contain in one file
  • Flexibility- It provides a simple and efficient structure, reusable templates and hassle-free migration. It also provides an opportunity for the other developers to switch on to Vue while they were working on some other java framework
  • Detailed Documentation- Vue.js is known for its comprehensive documentation. It is one of the areas where Vue.js excels over React.js
  • Ease of use- This framework is designed to embrace standard HTML-based templates or large scale templates. You can easily find errors in the blocks and helps in revamping the existing application


2.2 Cons of Vue.js

When it comes to the number of users for Vue.js and React.js, Vue.js has considerably a very small market as compared to the React.js framework, leading to closed community development. However, it is becoming prevalent at a fast pace but the major concern at the time of usage is having issues in terms of large scale app development.


Pros and Cons of React.js


3.1 Pros of React.js


Here are some reasons why you should opt for React.js framework-

  • Easier to learn- As compared to other front-end frameworks, this programming language is easy to learn, especially for the new developers. You just need to have a basic knowledge of CSS and HTML. 
  • Responsive and Flexible- Along with its simple functioning and programming, it offers utmost responsiveness and flexibility
  • Favours SEO- Before the launch of React.js, there was a conception that javascript frameworks are not compatible with SEO. But, the React.js framework broke this myth as it can work on the server-side and the virtual DOM that is rendered on the browser as a regular web page. 
  • Simple Framework with rich Javascript Library- It has a well-defined framework with a component-based approach. It works by making use of syntax which is called as JSX, which makes it browser friendly with the files in HTML, XML, and XHTML format
  • Web and Mobile platform-  It provides a platform that can be used to develop native rendered apps compatible with Android and iOS
  • Data flow in one direction- The one direction refers to ‘download’. The main advantage of it is that the smaller data does not affect the larger data which could effortlessly make changes swiftly. The state of the object is modified and updated
  • The code Reusability- While working on the project, React.js provides an opportunity for the developers to reuse the code components of various levels 


3.2 Cons of React.js


Due to its complex setup process, functions, properties, and structure, one requires profound knowledge in order to build an application. Along with this, it has poor documentation.


Comparison between Vue.js and React.js on different grounds

If you are a professional and an advance user, React.js has a mature and massive development community. Due to its grown-up user base, it is compatible with many mobile apps and large scale applications. 

Whereas, if you are a beginner and want to use a lightweight and faster UI library for crafting a single page application, Vue.js could be a better option for you. It is also for the developers, who are predominantly working on HTML format.


You could see an excellent development environment in Vue.js and React.js as both the tools provide you a flexible and comfortable development environment. They also provide you a superior starting point that gets you started with coding. 


To aid the process and for better understanding of which framework you should opt for, we will discuss some of the major differences between Vue.js and React.js

1) Data binding-


The data flows in both the direction as Vue.js synchronizes the complete model with the DOM.


React.js, offers one-way data binding as the data flows in one direction

2) Community and resources-


Fewer libraries are available to extend the functionality of Javascript framework as it has a smaller community


It has accrued a grand community which is constantly expanding. Due to this reason, veterans around the world are guiding the developers who need some help. There are ample of resources and libraries available this leading framework. 


3) Reliance on Third-Party Technologies-



It is a framework on its own. It offers bountiful opportunities that can help further to extend the functionality by using third party technologies. 



There are limited opportunities available to the developer if he is working independently. Developers need to rely on third-party technologies and libraries in order to extend the functionality of React.js


4) Templates-



It uses declarative templates that are written in HTML format.



It entirely relies on the component model and does not use any template.


Here is a quick comparison between Vue.js and React.js:



  React.JS   Vue.JS
Type JavaScript Library JavaScript Library
Ideal for Both Web and Native Primarily focused on web dev, but it was written to support other platforms moving forward
Developer(s) Facebook Community

(Created by Jordan Walke)

Evan You
Initial Release March 2013 February 2014
Written-in JavaScript JavaScript
Popularity React is ranked second on the list of hottest Javascript projects on GitHub Ranked first, Vue.js was the trendiest project in 2017, with more than 40,000 stars added on GitHub during the year
Function Can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications Web application framework capable of powering advanced single-page applications
Cross-platform development React’s React Native is a mature and widely used platform for native-rendered apps Vue’s Weex is still evolving and aims to provide a smooth development experience
Reusability Only CSS Maximum reusability
Simplicity React is more complex than Vue Vue is simpler than React
Performance Similarly fast Similarly fast
Model Virtual DOM(Document Object Model) Virtual DOM HTML-based templates
Notable Features
  • One-way data binding with props
  • Stateful components
  • Lifecycle methods
  • Virtual DOM
  • JSX (JavaScript XML)
  • Architecture beyond HTML
  • HTML-based template
  • Transitions
  • Components (divide the whole app into small, self-contained, and often reusable components)
  • Routing
  • Reactivity
  • Integrations
Learning Curve A steep learning curve and requires deep knowledge Easy learning curve, HTML-based templates make it familiar
Contributors on GitHub 1201 189
Bootstrap Application CRA (Create React App) Vue-CLI


Summing It Up

Vue.js and React.js are leading Javascript frameworks in the era. Learning of either of them will be a boon to your marketability as a JS developer. And having a command on both of the tools is even better. Now if you are looking to find out which one you should choose, it is very difficult to conclude as both of them are strong contestants. 


In your primary aim is to build a simple application with easy integration and best documentation, Vue.js would be an ideal choice. Whereas, if you are looking to build a larger application with ease of development, React.js is one you should opt for.  

In case of any questions or commitments, we are one of the finest React.js service providers in India for the development of the mobile app and software product. You can reach us out at for any assistance required. For any feedback or suggestions, you can comment in the drop-down section.

Effective Ways To Create Interactive Bar Charts with JavaScript for Data Visualization

The concept of data visualization plays a very essential role when it comes to assisting the users in question to comprehend the critical ideas quite easily. For instance, identifying the data patterns and trends quickly, and getting the maximum output from the presented data as well.

As a matter of fact, with the increase of data escalation in terms of generating data, finding a way to extract, processing and visualize those data to enhance data interpretation is growing rapidly. In addition to that, if interactive capabilities and data visualization are combined together then it will be easy for the users to dive into the finest details of graphs, charts, maps, dashboard, etc, and helps them to preserve the important data analyses and insights.

On the contrary, with the help of JavaScript programming, the developers can come up with interactive and attractive charts quite easily, directly from the chart libraries. No matter what, be it the requirement for an open source library, a paid-for, or any other types. You can surely find the required one to uplift your visualization skills. There are a number of charting libraries, that includes, Google chart, AnyChart, D3, and Highcharts are the one that worth mentioning. The creating process for all of these is in most of the cases quite similar. Hence, mastering one of then give you the privilege to use the other libraries. Certainly, when you want to add any specific characteristics for any of them.


For the purpose of JavaScript tutorial, let us take the examples from the AnyChart library. This is easy to use and quite flexible as well. It has exhaustive documentation, a wide range of supported chart types verity, and also a code playground, that allows you to test the codes, etc.

Therefore, let’s get into the process of how AnyChart helps in meeting the need for data visualization.

Here we would be addressing the three easy steps that can be used to create a basic bar chart in JavaScript. You can later integrate the same into your website or even in application. These are:
– Data Preparation
– Go to the JavaScript charts library
– Create or enter codes

Now, let’s talk about each one of them in detail.

Data Preparation

In case the data type is unstructured, then you need to prepare the same for the purpose of easy loading into the chart library. According to the format of the library you choose, you need to process the data in the format that the library accepts. However, AnyCharts supports a verity of formats for data including the other ones mentioned above.

For almost all of the charts you create, all you need to do, just put the values for both X and Y axes. Again, for the purpose of making Bar Charts, you will be required to put the values for Y-axis followed by an index number or any item number. This number will be considered as the value for the X-axis.

For instance, let us consider the data in array format, then X will be the item number and data values will be Y axis.

Again, when the data is on JSON format, it will look like this.

Connect the Chart Library

In order to create a connection to the preferred JavaScript chart library, you need to download the relevant package and install the same locally. You can also use the CDN service. In most of the cases, CDN service is the most preferred one. As it will give you the privilege to load data from server Library’s files to the users directly. That in turn as well increase the page load time and enhance the experiences.

Furthermore, AnyChart has a module-based system which allows you to connect to the specific chart type and the features that are essential for your project. It will also help you shrink the code sizes that are running on the application.

Such as, when creating a bar chart using the AnyChart JavaScript, you will be required to add below-mentioned core and basic Cartesian modules.

Writing the Codes

To create a JavaScript Bar Chart, you need to follow the steps mentioned below

To start with let us start with creating a container on the HTML page, it will refer the bar chart.
Then put all the previously processed data on the above-mentioned step.
Let’s create the type of charts that we are going to create from the applicable chart constructor function.
Create a title for the chart and axes
Now at this point create a bar series and put the data
Point the chart to the container the created earlier and start outlining the bar chart
Hence, you can easily understand that creating a bar chart using AnyChart is pretty much straight forward and simple.

Now let’s concentrate on the factors to enhance the looks and feel of the chart, by using some advanced level steps.

Create Advanced JavaScript Bar Charts

From the above discussion, the process of making the bar chart using AnyChart is clear. Thus, dive into other possibilities, when we have to perform a bit complex data visualization job to do. Of course, JavaScript chat creating is not at all complicated for smart web developers.

Lets, go to the advanced method that you can use from the same library.

Create Multi-Series Bar Chart

Besides the single series bar chart, AnyChart JS will allow you to create a multi-series bar chart, that enables to show the multiple sets of data on charts plot. Series referred to the single data set in AnyChat that will also display in chart’s plot. Now with the help of multiple series chart, it is easy to visualize the detailed information with the insights to the audience.

To build a Multi serious bar chart using AnyChart, it is essential to add data adopter module. It will help you load the HTML data in the work environment.

Parse data from the HTML table

Now create the data and specify the data source

Add a legend if you want your audience to understand and read the meaning of the values

Upon running the codes, it will create the multi-series bar chart displaying the composition of the values and understanding of the data as well.

Stacked Bar Chart

It is quite easy, without making any huge changes to the multi-series bar chart you can create a stacked bar chart. There are two ways, value stacking, and percent stacking. You can choose any one by setting the scale of the stack mode method to the “value” and “percent”.

Heres how to set:

This is how to set the mode back to the 100% stacked bar chart

Set Interactivity to Charts

All the charts prepared by using AnyChart are interactive by default. Some of the default chart behaviors are highlighting and points when hovered over, directing to hovered tooltips point, etc. In addition, you can tailor the chart’s interactivity to match the specified requirements.

Final Thoughts

Considering all the point it is clear that, creating the interactive JavaScript (HTML5) charts is quite easy with the appropriate JS library. So, here in this guide, we have just touched the surface. You can also visit the AnyChart’s documents and learn other factors.

For any queries, or specific instructions do let us know in the comment section below.

9 Reasons to choose Angular JS for Development in 2019

Angular JS Development

It is a unanimously agreed notion that businesses today have become more digital to facilitate growth. Everybody wants to have fun with a chunk of revenue that gets generated due to a digital presence and wants to be on the Internet. With a massive number of websites already on the web, every passing day only brings additional websites online.

With such intense competition, the need to have user-friendly and interactive web applications is becoming very crucial for driving the success of businesses. Angular JS served as the perfect framework to lead the industry for producing scalable solutions following the needs of people.

Angular JS is known as an open source Javascript framework which first came into development in the year 2009 by Google’s Misko Hevery, who was a developer. The structure based on CSS, HTML, and JS with the motive of making front-end development easier.

Angular JS web applications have garnered such a massive following that more than an estimated 8400 websites are taking the assistance of this framework. Some of these companies include Upwork, PayPal, and Netflix too.

You may also want to read: A beginners guide to Angular JS

Angular JS Development

9 Reasons why Angular JS is the most popular for development 

There are many reasons why Angular Js technology has become so popular among people-

1) Easy to use

Angular Js has many features that make it pretty easy for web application development professionals to design websites with bare minimum coding. The requirement to write setters and getters to different data models gets eliminated. Less coding helps to save a lot of time and effort.


2) Model view controller architecture 

There are a lot of frameworks in the market for developing mobile applications. None of them, however, divides these apps to the MVC architecture other than Angular Js. It makes careful use of this facility and Angular JS also comes with a lot of potentials to combine application code. A lot of time is spared in the development stage and also decreases the time an app takes for entering the market.


3) Client-side compatibility 

The operations of Angular Js are on the client side. The client-side compatibility makes the app easy to use for both, mobile as well as website browsers. The framework is also very versatile, allowing you to develop the front end of any mobile application without making modifications to the back end.


4) Dual Data Binding 

Double data binding is one of the most amazing features of Angular Js. It means that any change which takes place in the application has a direct impact on the user interface. The same applies from the other end as well. With this framework, user actions and module changes take place together.


5) Modular Advantage 

This is another excellent feature that is offered by Angular Js. Developers get to create some modules in the context of a single application. As the modules are dependent on one another, they can also be combined to run an entire application. Angular Js understands the need to create a new module automatically so that it can then be combined with the other already developed modules of applications.


6) Ease of Filters 

The filters offered by Angular Js provide a lot of help when you require to change the data stored in the responsive design of Angular Js. This directory gives the developers a number of filters for lowercase, uppercase, numbers, currency, date and much more. Angular Js also has the option to create an entirely new filter with the registration of a new filter factory.


7) Community Support

Because Google is regarded with the development of Angular Js, there is a large Angular Js community that involves pretty expert Angular Js developers. The expert developers are skilled enough to make improvements with the open source network of Angular Js. They also host conferences of Angular Js while inviting IT companies from the world over to provide them with insights regarding the changes and new developments in the technology.


8) Easy Testing Process 

Testing becomes a straightforward procedure when it is the Angular Js framework. The measurement becomes easy as manipulating different parts of the application placed into Angular Js is a straightforward process. Also, the feature of module separation empowers the developers to load required services and execute automated testing with an enormous load of ease.


9) Single Page Application (SPA) feature

SPA is the abbreviation for Single Page Application. It closely relates to Angular Js. Together, they help to provide the capability of form validation. This means that if a page makes the use of forms, the form controller monitors their state of performance.

Through this data, developers can easily modify the conduct of HTML elements within the user interface. Angular Js comes with built-in checks that assist in the handling of errors. You also get the liberty of creating a set of your own confirmations. You can also display error messages in the entire form or the separate fields too.

Every individual who starts as a beginner wants to have a general idea whether it is easy to create web applications with Angular Js or not. In response to this, if there is a fair bit of command on Js, HTML and CSS then it becomes straightforward to develop a Single Page Application.

However, even people with a lesser understanding of Angular JS can create pure SPA because of the large number of ready solutions for web applications.



The points above will give you a fair idea about why Angular Js is and will be the most popular choice for the development of web applications. When it is working for web development with the help of Javascript framework, nothing even comes close to Angular Js. Even single page applications for online businesses is a breeze with Angular Js. Want your own SPA?

Let us help you build one! Contact us here with your requirements


7 tips to become a better JAVA developer

How to become a JAVA Developer 

A lot of people know Java the programming language. What these people don’t know is that merely knowing this programming language is not going to be enough for you in the long run. You need to be very proficient in Java programming and coding if you aspire to create a functional and feasible application. Sitting around with the same level of knowledge is not going to help your case one bit. You can try to polish yourself more in Java programming if you wish to be the best Java programmer.

Java is simply the most popular programming language. A lot of Java developers are already there who have a good knowledge of the recent trends in technology with the willingness to learn the latest developments of Java, which include Java 8, JVM and also JDK 10.

If you want to get hired in a Java development company, you will have to present a considerable amount of difference when it comes to efficiency and skills from your end. 

Read on to know the 7 best tips that can help you become a better Java developer:

java developer tips

1) Learn JAVA 8

There are a lot of Java developers who are backed up with an experience of about 6 or 8 years, but still, they have not got to terms with using features of Java 8 like Lambda Expressions, different default methods and the Java Stream API.

If you can get a good grip on these features of Java 8, you already are ahead of the competition.

2) Good knowledge of Java API and libraries

Being one of the most solid programming languages out there, Java has the second biggest Stack Overflow community, which outlines a crucial role in the development of the entire Java ecosystem. Java APIs and Libraries constitute a big part of the ecosystem. Knowledge related to vital APIs and libraries, third-party libraries, and Java Development Kit is considered as an essential attribute for a good Java developer.

While the knowledge of every single API and all elements in the library is not expected from a Java developer, the refinements regarding crucial APIs and libraries should be there for sure.


3) Learn Spring Framework (Spring Boot)

Now, this is a platform that is essential for you as a Java developer without a doubt. The Spring framework allows a developer to create applications from some pretty old Java objects and is also very useful in Java SE programming as well. Most Java development companies take the help of Spring framework like Spring MVC, Spring Cloud, and Spring Boot to develop a web application and REST APIs.

A good Java developer is also aware of the advantages that the Spring framework offers such as making local Java methods a remote process and also make Java methods execute within a database transaction.


4) Refine your Unit Testing skills

Advanced unit testing skills are to be found in every conditioned Java programmer. This is an essential factor that separates great Java developers from ordinary ones. As a professional Java developer, you should always write unit tests for your code because it helps in the validation of the code at the time of behavior testing or state testing.

Most companies today make sure that as a Java Developer, you have an understanding of the different tools used for automation testing, unit testing, integration testing, and performance testing. 


5) Focus on JVM Internals

Even as a beginner in Java, you are expected to know Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a critical factor of JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Understanding JVM means a much better understanding of Java as a programming language. JVM will assist you in solving complicated issues during the programming process.

As a Java developer, you should also be aware of the JVM restrictions on a stack and the standard errors that a lot of Java developers make.


6) Enhance your knowledge of working around design patterns

The importance of design patterns in software development is surely not hidden from you if you are an object-oriented software developer with some experience. Design pattern helps to depict the relations between the object and classes. If the naming of objects and classes gets done systematically, the recurring issue in these object-oriented systems gets addressed.

Be it a regular employee or even a freelancer, a deep understanding of design patterns is always going to be a big plus.


7) Get acquainted with JVM languages

While learning new languages is always great for you personally and professionally, developing a habit to learn new programming languages apart from Java will help you with the development in Java applications. For instance, Kotlin is a static programming language which operates on Java virtual machines and can be used further for compilation into JavaScript code or LLVM compiler too.

Taking up and learning new languages of programming helps you in making a comparison between the advantages and drawbacks that will, in turn, help you in creating better codes. Help in Android development through it is another plus.


Final Take Away…

If you want to become a pro Java developer and learn new coding and Java programming skills, exploring and showing due diligence to the above tips are bound to take you a long way into the game. Of course, you cannot learn everything all in a single go. Select a particular tip and then proceed towards enhancing it. Be mindful of learning Java 8 as a healthy working experience in Java 8 is essential for developing any application.

How to Choose a Technology Stack for Your Business

The importance of choosing the right technology stack

The use of the right technology stack is the essence of a successful digital product. But choosing the right blend of technology is always tricky. 

At GoodWorkLabs, we offer an expert tech consultation that is unique for every digital product in question. In this post, we have given a more generalized road to help you choose the right tech stack for your application. We are laying down all the possible options for your reference so that you can manifest the right blend for your brand.

Technology stack: Definition & Popular Technology

In layman’s language, web app development requires a database, a server, HTML+CSS, and programming language. All these layers put together, form a tech stack for web development.

Technically, a technology stack is a combination of components which satisfies all the layers of mobile or web application and can directly affect the app functionality. The anatomy here is very simple with two major layers:

  • the client-side (frontend; the presentation, what the user sees)
  • server-side (backend; the website’s functionality, processes)

Best Tech Stack for Business

Frontend frameworks and libraries:

1) Bootstrap:

  • Customizable, saves time, easy to use with a bunch of other helpful components.
  • Recommended when you are opting for a ‘mobile first’ application.

2) Angular:

  • JS-based framework, good for projects with easy code integration
  • New Angular 5 makes it easy to reduce the runtime with the built-in code optimizer
  • It is recommended for developing single-page web applications, cross-platform mobile apps, landing pages, and common websites.
  • Already used by Google, PayPal, and Upwork

3) Vue.js:

  • JS framework which easily integrates with JS libraries
  • It is recommended for large-scale and single-page projects.
  • Already used by Alibaba, WizzAir, Grammarly

4) React:

  • JS library for making user interfaces (UI)
  • Active community with numerous ready-made components
  • Quick development
  • It is recommended for web applications or platforms which require a very responsive UI.
  • Already used by Facebook, Reddit, Netflix

5) JQuery:

  • JS library that is used for code optimization

Programming Languages:

  • PHP:

PHP is particularly designed for web development and creating dynamic web pages. Though it had certain vulnerabilities, it is considered to be the most popular language. Also, as PHP based apps are easy to code, it means that you can cut greatly on expenses by saving time.

  • JavaScript (JS):

JavaScript is a convenient, versatile and effective high-level programming language which can be used for both server-side and client-side code. It is recommended for dynamic, agile and modern websites.

  • Java:

Java is well-documented and supports numerous libraries. It is used widely for both complex website and dynamic mobile apps. The popular frameworks are Hibernate, Grails, Spring, Dropwizard, and Apache Wicket.

  • C#:

With the capability of processing heavy data flow and the flexibility to create all kinds of application, C# is a popular cross-platform technology among developers.

Backend frameworks:

1) Ruby on Rails:

  • One of the popular tech stack among startups, ROR is perfect for all kinds of apps from basic web pages to high-traffic web portals. 
  • For developers, ROR is very easy to learn and use
  • It is fast and scalable
  • It uses DRY (“don’t repeat yourself”) design pattern and MVC concept (“model-view-controller”)
  • RoR is already used by Airbnb, Basecamp, Twitch, Shopify,  and Zendesk.

2) Django:

  • Django is versatile and can be used for startups, medium-sized projects, and high-loaded websites. It is a clean, secure, fast, and scalable framework for rapid development. Along with being well-documented,  it comes with its own lightweight server.
  • Already used by Discus, Mozilla, Instagram, and National Geographic.

3) .NET:

  • .NET allows developing any type of web app faster and making it scalable. It is very easy to add APIs and live communication features. It has an active community and is extensively documented.
  • Already used by, Microsoft, Stack Overflow

4) Node.js:

  • Node.js allows optimizing code on complex, high-performance, and data-intensive real-time apps. It is simple, fast, and expressive. It is recommended for apps that involve real-time streaming, collaboration tools, and chatting.

5) Express.js:

  • As the name suggests Express.js is a minimalist, flexible, and resource-efficient framework which uses templates and requires minimum efforts. It is recommended for APIs and simple web and mobile services.

6) Flask:

  • Flask is another well-documented framework with a highly active community. It is recommended when the client requires to build a service on a resource-constrained system. Also, it is good for serious websites and RESTful APIs.


1) MongoDB:

  • MongoDB is a NoSQL, document-based database which can be used for storing large volumes of unstructured data. It can also be used in a cloud-based environment.

2) PostgreSQL:

  • PostgreSQL has multi-version control and supports custom data types. Basically, it is an object-relational database with NoSQL features and is used for storing a gigantic volume of data (up to 32 TB per table).

3) MySql:

  • The plus points of this most popular relational database are that MySql is highly scalable, easy to set up, cloud-reafy and is platform independent.


Popular technology stacks

You can also pick from already designed popular web stack. They have a solid foundation and you can easily customize them as per your requirements. The major tech stacks that have been used are LAMP(Linux-Apache-MySql-PHP), MEAN (MongoDB-Express.js-Angular-Node.js) and .NET.

Operating system
Node.js, Express.js
Data storage
MySql / MariaDB
SQL Server
Programming language(s)
PHP, Perl, Python
Angular framework
  • flexible
  • cost-effective
  • fast to develop
  • customizable
  • easy to find staff
  • modern look
  • scalable
  • can serve big audiences
  • several features
  • choice of libraries is up to the developer
  • uses over 60 tools to facilitate the development
  • Angular and React templates
  • portability and security
  • less time for development
  • choose other languages
Type of app
Scalable, dynamic and secure
Single-page applications, dynamic and common websites, landing pages
Small-scale to enterprise level, transaction systems
Used by
Zend, Oracle
Google, Samsung, IBM
Microsoft, Stack Overflow, Starbucks, Stack Exchange

LAMP alternatives:

  • WAMP: Windows, Apache, MySql, PHP
  • LAPP: Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP
  • WISA: Windows, IIS, SQL, ASP.NET
  • XAMPP: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Apache, MySql, PHP, Perl
  • MAMP: Mac OS X, Apache, MySql, PHP

MEAN alternative:

  • MEEN: MongoDB, Ember.js, Express.js, Node.js


The success of your project majorly depends on the tech stack that you choose in the beginning. With so many fishes in the pond, it is difficult to say which one will work best for you. But GoodWorkLabs can help!

Let’s discuss your requirements and compile the perfect tech stack for your next project. Drop us a quick message with your requirements and we will have our tech expert get in touch with you soon

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