Categories: UX UI Design

3 ways how UX can influence the Travel Industry

8 years ago

User Experience has turned out to be an integral part of the service sector. When it comes to designing products and services, business owners are giving more attention to User Experience. Gone are the days when businesses offered a fast and hurried walkthrough to their visitors. The present times herald the significance of UX and how it can revolutionize product designs.

Statistical insights will help you uncover the real scenario to a great extent. According to market stats, almost 40% of web visitors will abandon a site that exceeds the 3-second loading time. Sites that fail to offer complete information or offer complicated navigation can’t retain potential customers.

Therefore, user experience designs play a crucial role in customer retention and successful conversions. And that holds true for every sector. On that note, let’s take a look at the trends in the travel sector.

UX Pointers for the Travel IndustryUX Pointers for the Travel Industry

Trends in the travel sector

There’s no denying the fact that the travel industry is one of the most profitable sectors. Since this particular industry deals with considerable investments, it’s imperative to find out what it thinks about UX. Take a look!

With the rapid emergence and widespread popularity of the app revolution, booking vacations and holidays have become easier than ever! According to travel industry reports, a whopping 89% of holidaymakers in the UK opted for online vacation bookings.

Quite naturally, these trends create the need for exceptional User Experience. Travel companies along with travel sites are trying their best to develop official sites in a unique manner.

1.     Critical and complicated booking process

In-depth market research will reveal the entire situation. If research reports are anything to go by, then most of these travel sites will score very low in their booking processes and functions. Although the booking process happens to be an integral part of UX design, the majority of travel sites fail to offer unique experiences in this context.

2.     Inaccessible forms

Booking forms are crucial parts of the entire project. However, most of the sites fail to offer desired results in this context too. Forms should be easily accessible to visitors, which isn’t what happens in reality.

It is undoubtedly one of the most crucial parts of the booking process and hence needs to be optimized for users.

3.     Designs should meet accessibility

While creating User Experience designs, it will be highly imperative to ensure accessibility. If you are running a travel site, it will be imperative to cater to a diverse group of people. Make sure the headlines and other important text portions are clearly visible. Choose the fonts and background colors carefully, thus ensuring clear visibility even for partially-sighted people. Adding provisions for special requests will also make your site exceptional.

Refining User Experience

While concluding, it’s quite imperative to recognize the benefits of exceptional User Experience. Especially, if you are operating in the travel sector, a unique and customer-oriented approach to UX designing will be the best thing to do. With these UX pointers, your travel website will surely earn brownie points.