
Flutter vs React Native: Which one to Choose for Your Project in 2024

5 months ago

Did you know that Statista recently projected that the global app revenue will reach a staggering $614.4 billion by 2025? 


The world has moved on and businesses with it. There’s no need to tell you the importance of building an app to support your business or boost its growth unless you’re living under a rock. It’s the one key piece of technology that everyone uses every day. An app allows your business to reach a huge amount of target audience and you can also keep them engaged for a longer period of time. 


But there’s no one right way or wrong way to build and deploy an app. Building a successful app requires careful planning, from concept to development. One crucial decision is choosing the right framework to streamline the development process. Here at GoodWorkLabs, we stay at the forefront of mobile app development trends, and today, we’ll be diving into the two leading cross-platform frameworks: Flutter and React Native.


This blog post is supposed to be your one-stop guide for comparing Flutter and React Native. We’ll explore their functionalities, delve into key factors to consider, and help you choose the perfect framework for your 2024 mobile app project.

Understanding the Power of Cross-Platform Development

Before we begin, let’s take a look at cross-platform development. It allows you to build a single codebase that can be deployed on both Android and iOS platforms. This approach offers significant benefits:


  • Reduced Development Time and Cost: By writing code once, you eliminate the need to create and maintain separate codebases for each platform. This translates to faster development cycles and potentially lower overall costs.
  • Wider Market Reach: A single app can cater to a broader user base on both Android and iOS devices, maximising your app’s potential reach.
  • Simplified Maintenance: Updates and bug fixes require changes to a single codebase, streamlining the maintenance process.


While Xamarin and Ionic are other popular cross-platform options, Flutter vs React Native have emerged as the most widely adopted frameworks due to their robust features and active communities.

Delving into Flutter: A Google Creation

Developed by Google in 2015, Flutter has rapidly gained traction for its unique approach to mobile app development. Here’s a closer look at its core aspects:


History and Evolution: Initially focused on creating 2D user interfaces, Flutter has evolved to support complex animations, rich interactions, and even integrates with native code for specific functionalities.

  • Programming Language: Dart Unlike most cross-platform frameworks, Flutter uses Dart, a relatively new object-oriented language known for its readability and learning curve that’s friendly to developers familiar with Java or C++.
  • Performance and User Interface: Flutter stands out with its own rendering engine, Skia. This engine allows for smooth animations, pixel-perfect UIs, and efficient rendering across different devices.
  • Development Process and Tools: Flutter offers a streamlined development workflow with hot reload functionality. Changes made in the code are reflected in the app almost instantly, accelerating the development cycle. The Flutter Development Kit (FDK) provides a comprehensive set of tools for building, testing, and deploying Flutter apps.

Exploring React Native: Backed by Facebook

Launched by Facebook in 2015, React Native leverages JavaScript to build mobile apps, making it a familiar choice for web developers. Let’s explore its key characteristics:


  • History and Development: react native mobile app development has a strong backing by Facebook and a large community of developers. It continues to evolve with new features and integrations for an enhanced development experience.
  • Programming Language: JavaScript React Native utilises JavaScript, a widely popular language with extensive resources and a vast developer pool. This can be advantageous for web developers looking to transition to mobile app development.
  • Performance and User Interface: React Native relies on native components for rendering UI elements, which can impact performance on some devices compared to Flutter’s custom engine. However, React Native offers a great degree of customization for building unique UI experiences.
  • Development Process and Tools: The development workflow in React Native involves writing JavaScript code and utilising the React Native CLI (Command Line Interface) for building and running the app. A vast ecosystem of third-party libraries provides additional functionalities.

Head-to-Head Comparison: Key Factors for Your Decision

Choosing the right framework depends on the specific needs of your app project. Here’s a breakdown of key factors to consider:


  • App Performance: Flutter generally outperforms React Native in terms of rendering speed and animations due to its custom engine. This is crucial for apps with heavy UI elements or complex interactions.
  • Development Speed: Hot reload functionality in Flutter allows for faster development cycles, as changes are reflected in real-time. However, JavaScript’s familiarity might give React Native an edge for developers with a strong web development background.
  • Developer Availability and Community Support: Both frameworks boast large and active communities. However, the pool of experienced Flutter developers might be smaller compared to React Native’s JavaScript-based developer pool.
  • Learning Curve: For developers new to mobile app development, Dart (used in Flutter) might have a steeper learning curve compared to JavaScript (used in React Native). However, Dart’s readability and resources are improving rapidly.
  • App Features and Complexity: For simpler apps with basic functionalities, React Native might be sufficient. However, for complex apps with rich animations, 3D graphics, or highly customised UIs, Flutter’s rendering engine provides a significant advantage.
  • Long-Term Maintenance: Both frameworks are actively maintained and updated. However, Flutter’s control over the entire development process (including UI rendering) might offer a slight edge in long-term maintainability as updates and bug fixes are applied to a single codebase.

Looking Ahead: Trends and Future Considerations

The mobile app landscape is constantly evolving. Here are some emerging trends to keep in mind when choosing a framework:


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: Mobile apps are increasingly incorporating AI features like chatbots and personalised recommendations. Both Flutter and React Native offer ways to integrate AI functionalities, but staying updated on advancements in both frameworks is crucial.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: AR/VR experiences are gaining traction in mobile apps. While both Flutter and React Native have limitations in this area currently, advancements are being made. It’s important to consider how the chosen framework might adapt to these trends in the future.

The Final Choice: It’s All About Your Project

Ultimately, the best framework for your mobile app depends on your project’s specific requirements. Here’s a quick recap to help you decide:


Choose Flutter if:

  • Performance and smooth animations are critical.
  • Your app requires a highly customised user interface.
  • You’re building a complex app with rich features.
  • You’re comfortable with learning a new language (Dart).


Choose React Native if:

  • You have a team of developers familiar with JavaScript.
  • Development speed is a top priority.
  • You need a large pool of readily available developers.
  • Your app requires a moderate level of complexity.


All this sounds too complex to weigh against each other? Fret not. GoodWorkLabs, the most trusted mobile app and software development partner is here though. 


Choosing the right framework is a crucial step in your mobile app development journey. At GoodWorkLabs, our team of experienced developers possesses expertise in both Flutter and React Native. We can help you analyse your project requirements, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each framework, and guide you towards the optimal choice.


Contact us today for a free consultation: 


While this blog post focuses on qualitative comparisons, here are some data points to consider:

  • Popularity: According to a 2023 Stack Overflow survey, both React Native and Flutter rank highly in the “Most Loved Frameworks” category. However, Flutter has been gaining popularity in recent years.
  • Job Market: Job postings for React Native developers might be slightly more prevalent than those for Flutter developers due to its larger developer pool. However, the demand for experienced Flutter developers is growing rapidly.


Remember, the key is to choose the framework that best aligns with your project’s needs and your development team’s skillset. By carefully considering the factors outlined in this blog post, you can make an informed decision that sets your mobile app on the path to success.