Categories: MobileTechnology

Here’s How you can Instantly Increase your Mobile App’s Downloads in the App Store

9 years ago

Many business owners and entrepreneurs still think that the entire app development saga ends with the designing and development. Interestingly enough, there’s more to the story. Getting your apps to the app store is one of the crucial segments of the entire project, as that is what determines your app’s performance, and hence its popularity post release.

You might have come up with a truly spectacular, high-performance, and amazing app that offers multi-device compatibility. You are quite happy with the way it has shaped up and wish to publish it in the app stores. However, what’s the point if people don’t know about it?

The real scenario

Your application is right there in the app store, but without significant reviews and downloads. There’s no denying the uniqueness of your app, but somehow it isn’t proving to be of any use.

So, what went wrong?

The discussion comes to a full circle here. It is not just enough to publish your app in the app store. It’s equally essential to get the maximum downloads for it. Here is our list of essentials to know so that mobile users get to know your app and download it.

1.      App Description

While publishing your application on the app store, make it a point to include an informative, eye-catching, and precise description for it. For doing this in the correct and targeted manner, you will require considering the following aspects.

  • Language: The app description lingo has to be chosen carefully. Since you are targeting your app to potential audiences, always try to choose native and commonly used languages over standardized lingo. With Google Translate by your side, translating the description to a comprehensible language won’t be tough. However, you should always check the translations that are coming up.
  • Keywords: Keyword optimization is relevant and how! While creating app descriptions, make sure you include the targeted keywords at least 3 to 6 times. You can also seek references from the Adwords Keyword Tool, and look for lateral keywords as well. These keywords will play a vital role in increasing your app’s rankings.
  • Declaring permissions: Never forget to mention about the permissions your app is asking for. Be transparent about this aspect along with the monetization models.

2.      CPI Campaigns for better positions

CPI or Cost-per-Install is an innovative technique to propel your mobile apps amongst the top 50 applications of your specific niche. CPI Burst Campaigns will help you achieve a secured spot amongst the best 50 apps, thus getting you more traffic.

3.      Create videos

Video creation for marketing the app is important too. The best way to nail down this task will be by hiring professional experts. Also, see to the fact that you have subtitles for local languages. Highly engaging and compelling videos will increase your mobile app’s visibility in searches.

4.      Discounts and offers

Offer your application at discounted rates for a limited time span. For mind-blowing results, you can also give it out for free. However, such exclusive offers and discounted rates should always be for a limited period.

Parting thoughts

With these handy tips, increasing your app’s downloads will be a cakewalk. If you need professional assistance in implementing these strategies, do connect with us at Goodworklabs for a quick consultation to make the most of your mobile app downloads.