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How To Manage An OffShore Development Team Effectively?

3 years ago

The IT sector has benefitted from adopting the outsourcing strategy for a prolonged time period. It is one of the most successful methods that business organizations use to hire skilled professionals across the globe at cost-effective price rates. It aids companies to focus on business goals while maintaining the quality of the project. Besides, having the right team plays a significant in the success of the organization. 

Tips to manage an offshore development team effectively –

Having the perfect balance between the off-shore and in-house teams is critical for the success of the project and the company. Though there are various benefits of hiring an offshore team, the challenges cannot be ignored. To get rid of these issues, capable management of the team is essential. 

Take a look at these practices you can adopt for excellent collaboration with an offshore development team –

  • Clear explanation of the end goal

The best way to ensure seamless collaboration between the offshore team and the company is to have a clearly set goal. That way, the employees can all work towards the same goal. Now, they can make well-informed decisions regarding the tasks they have been given. Ultimately, you will see an improvement in work quality. 

  • Hire the right people

Managing the team is easier if you have the right people for the project. For that, a detailed understanding of the business goal and the existing technical infrastructure is needed. That way, you can recruit the professionals you need for attaining high-quality results. It is better to concentrate on obtaining experts with the necessary skill sets.

  • Make efforts for clear communication

Communicating with the team when you can see them right in front of you is much easier. However, you need to make more efforts for the offshore team. Different time zones, language barriers, or a general lack of knowledge about the professional can lead to rifts and misunderstandings. If not dealt with promptly, you can face a drastic reduction in work quality.

  • Value the employees

Offshore teams often feel inferior when compared to in-house teams. It is mainly due to the lack of direct contact and spending more time together. That is precisely why you need to make more efforts to make them feel welcome. These employees should feel that they are an equally important part of the company. For that, you need to be in touch with them, hear them out and boost their morale when needed. 

  • Set realistic deliverables

Milestones and deliverables are crucial aspects for the success of the project. That is why it is vital to set accurate yet realistic deliverables for the team. Investing time into the planning and research phase will eventually yield results. That way, you won’t need to waste time and resources on what the expected results should be.

  • Place your trust in the team

Micromanaging every little thing that the offshore team or even any team does is a disaster waiting to happen. Keep in mind that they have been hired due to their skillset and expertise. Hovering over them for everything will only lead to insecurity and resentment. Learn to place your trust in the team. Trust them to deliver results within the stipulated time. Ultimately, it will benefit the company. 


Opting for an offshore development team is an excellent idea. There are multiple benefits you can get from this decision. These include saving a great deal of money, flexibility, access to the global talent pool, and so on! However, in order to garner success and grow the company, making a well-informed decision regarding the recruitment of the team is crucial! Check out the portfolio of GoodWorkLabs, based out of Bangalore, India. Their experienced team will make the best application for you. To discuss further, contact here!