Categories: MobileTechnology

How To Successfully Onboard Employees On To A Unified Enterprise Mobility Platform

8 years ago

Whether it’s a huge business establishment or a small-scale venture, enterprise mobility revolutionizes processes and operations across industry verticals. With on-the-go operations heading towards exponential growth, companies are increasingly embracing and adopting mobility solutions.

Irrespective of the roles they play in their workplaces, employees have the opportunity to enjoy unsurpassed convenience.

Flexible work schedules and operations inevitably translate into high business revenues and unparalleled development. Nearly every enterprise or company is opting for mobility solutions. Let’s turn to some stats, so that you get a complete lowdown on the topic.

Stats alert

Enterprise mobility seems to be the need of the hour. Irrespective of the nature of businesses or its location, mobility solutions can work wonders for employees. If reports published in ‘Forrsights Networks And Telecommunications Survey’ are to be followed, nearly 64% of companies in North America and Europe consider mobility amongst their top priorities.

None other than employees determine your venture’s performance and revenues. Therefore, it’s highly essential to ensure optimum convenience and flexibility for them. With the widespread use of Smartphones, tablets along with the increasing importance of BYOD trends, mobility solutions are emerging as crucial necessities for every business today.

With the capability and power to transform numerous operations across departments, mobility plays a pivotal role while onboarding employees. Let’s take a deeper look into the situation.

Mobility and unified employee platforms

It’s quite tough to onboard a new workforce and speed up their operations. Especially, if you have mobile employees offering remote support, things become tougher than ever. There’s nothing like face-to-face interactions and effective communications.

However, when it’s your startup, and you are just in the initial stages, unified employee platforms might just turn out to be the right solutions.

That brings us to a crucial point in the discussion. So, what it is it that makes unified mobility platforms the best option while onboarding employees. Here are some aspects to consider:

How does this help?

Unified mobility platforms aim at creating unique experiences for employees. They get a complete picture of your company motto, values, principles, and objectives. These little bits of information play an important role when it comes to understanding crucial business processes and enterprise functioning.

New employees also have the opportunity to know their colleagues along with the tasks performed by them. It’s here that we need to know the most effective ways of doing that.

Tips for successful onboarding

Adopt the best practices that you truly believe in. Plan carefully, get your hands on a high-powered video camera and create an exceptionally engaging script. With these things in place, you can move on to the following steps:

  • Welcome videos: Create welcome videos for each of your employees. Let them know about their respective roles and how they can contribute to your business.
  • Short training videos: With the incredible capability to engage viewers, videos can turn out to be the best tools for onboarding new workers and employees. Create short training videos thus imparting targeted and effective training to employees.

Parting thoughts

You will have to embrace unified mobility solutions to achieve successful onboarding of employees. That will be the key to achieving unmatched business growth.