
Prudent Tips To Integrate Social Media With Your eCommerce Website

7 years ago

Social Media & eCommerce


Being one of the most popular activities online, social media offers a plausible experience. Integrating it with an e-commerce platform is something that has been a key concern among many online entrepreneurs. The idea is not new, and many have tried it before. And, it has been called as “F-commerce,” which is short for Facebook commerce. However, it is only recently that e-commerce stores have encouraged social sharing to bump up the customer experience overall

So, let us take a look at some tips that can effectively integrate social media features into your e-commerce website and augment the stellar overall shopping experience.



  • Adding share plugins to the e-commerce products

Social media sites have psychologically manipulated people to believe that an item that gets more approval gestures has a high credibility. For example, getting more Facebook likes on an image automatically makes a user think that it is a popular image. A similar idea can be applied to your listed products on the e-commerce website. Adding a share plugin to the product may help in increased visibility for your item – hence, getting your more chances of sale.

  • Target the content that is given by the user

While the product description, advantages, and features are all written by the writers handling your e-commerce website, the impact of that content is not entirely conclusive. On the contrary, a customer review section is much more viable where a mere review left by a client can help your product gain more recognition. Moreover, you need to highlight the review comments in such a way that the positive ones are always displayed at the top. This gives users an impression of the positive points about your product, letting you increase your sales for it.

  • Adding sign-in options to social media accounts

For generating recurring clients, you may have added a registration feature for them. But, filling up the fields with username, passwords, and whatnot makes it counterproductive for a positive user experience. However, this issue can be resolved by integrating social media sign-in alternatives to users, where they can just sign in with their social media accounts instead of creating new accounts.

  • Combining a comment system with social media accounts

Another add-on feature that can be integrated with the above tip is a comment section that is social media-based. As the social media profiles of the users are synced with the remarks given by users respectively, this limits the chances of spam comments.

  • Sharing items on social media that sell more

Some of your products on the e-commerce website are likely to experience more purchases. That is why you can use a social media website to create your e-commerce website page where all your popular products are shared with the users. Trending products are more likely to be purchased by users, thus giving you a boost in your business.

Which of these social media integration tips are the most feasible for your online business? Try embedding these methods in your e-commerce platform to increase your visibility among potential customers.