How Deep Learning is Personalizing the Internet

How Deep Learning is Personalizing the Internet for Better Engagement


Working as a secondary field of machine learning, Deep learning focuses on the interpretation of data. This technology uses multiple layers of processing to understand a set of data. Every layer allows machines to evaluate and present data in a meaningful manner. Hence, the performance capacity of algorithms increases with the increment in data.

Advanced techniques such as NLP and image classification become possible with deep learning. Businesses are using it to enhance their communication patterns with clients and customers. The successful use of such algorithms brings personalization to the communication and hence boost engagement.


How Deep Learning is Personalizing the Internet for Better Engagement

Personalization in the internet-driven market

Publishing companies, marketing agencies, e-commerce and many other businesses work through the internet. Deep learning offers an error-free system to enhance engagement in such business models. This is beneficial for users as well as businesses.

Fueled by personalization, businesses can reach a higher level of productivity in terms of communication and online experience.

Here are most valuable ways, in which, deep learning is personalizing the online world.

1 – Making recommendations more effective and relevant

On the internet, sites recommend a different set of content to the site visitors. An e-commerce site does the same with their products. However, a visitor will engage with the recommended content or product if it is relevant to him or her.

Traditionally, metadata is used to help with recommendations. However, poor metadata quality always presented issues of content relevancy in this process.

Now, deep learning is bringing effective changes in this department. Advanced algorithms use intrinsic characteristics of a content and evaluate it with visitor’s interests. These intrinsic qualities can be text, images or videos, which changes from content to content. Such technologies are now capable of creating a comprehensive view of content on their own and incorporating it when recommending products or content pieces.

2 – Focusing on interests for new visitors

When a visitor comes to a platform, it seems difficult to learn preferences and understand behavior. This happens due to the lack of layered data evaluation. Deep learning algorithms divide the clutter of interactional and transactional data.

Rather than just focusing on data gathering, deep learning allows business platforms to understand and evaluate customers’ behavior. Hence, every visitor sees what he or she desires to see.

For example, if a customer visits an e-store for the first time to purchase an oven, algorithms will collect that data. However, the use of this data will depend on the interests of the same customer when visiting the second time. If the customer looks for a mobile phone, then, the algorithms will leverage that interest to present personalized data.

3 – Leading customers towards decisions

A customer goes through various steps before deciding to purchase a product or service. This decision depends on brand loyalty, personal goals, and preferences. Deep learning understands these factors and personalizes image and other forms of content. Hence, businesses get to increase sales.

Personalization is the key to winning the business game on the internet. And DL algorithms can offer strength to this goal of your business.

4 ways how Deep Learning is revolutionizing Marketing & Sales

Deep Learning in Marketing and Sales

The buzz and enthusiasm about deep learning has significantly increased over the past few years. With numerous business ventures embracing this technology for good, deep learning is earning huge popularity now. If you are aware of Machine Learning and its implications, understanding Deep Learning won’t be that tough.

Here’s a quick look at what is Deep Learning and its serious applications in the business arena.

What is Deep Learning?

DL or Deep Learning happens to be a significant part of ML. It can be referred to as a subset or subdivision of Machine Learning that maps artificial neural networks. The mapping takes place to recreate or replicate processes performed by human brain.

That’s not all. Deep Learning also plays a crucial part in the identification of speech patterns, algorithms, images, and data analytics.

Deep Learning in Marketing and Sales

In spite of this simple and easy-to-understand introduction, there’s no denying the complexities involved in Deep Learning. Implementing DL strategies and incorporating them into existing business processes isn’t an easy affair. It becomes imperative to keep numerous aspects in mind thus devising effective DL strategies.

Transforming the business world with Deep Learning

Deep Learning can be revolutionary. If implemented in the right way, this particular technology can transform business processes to a great extent. Deep Learning helps to decode complex unstructured data and derive consumer insights that are crucial for creating sales and marketing strategies.

From retail and transport to healthcare and manufacturing, DL has started making a mark in various sectors. Let’s take a look at how it’s transforming sales and marketing for businesses:

1. Automating end-to-end customer journey

As mentioned earlier, deep learning will allow marketers to access insights from unstructured data sets such as image, video analytics, speech recognition, facial recognition, text analysis and much more. In short, deep learning becomes a way to accurately understand the voice of a customer.

Customer feedback and expectations can be gauged on a real-time basis and business organizations can get information to upgrade their products and services. Based on these premium insights from deep leaning, Brands can articulate the right messaging to the right customer.

2. Understanding analytics from IoT products 

Home automation is creating profitable avenues for organizations across the globe. Deep learning can help businesses understand the analytics for IoT products. It helps to capture data from the machines in different scenarios and monitor them in an easy and cost-effective way.

Through these analytics, deep learning can help to understand the interactions between machines and customers better and based on the data, the performance of IoT products can be enhanced from time to time.

3. Using Chat Bots to enhance CX

The presence of chat bots has revolutionized business marketing to a great extent. Chat bots leverage data mining, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing, thus creating new ways to interact with the end user.

Through chat bots, customers have the opportunity to engage in personalized communications. Apart from ensuring unmatched consumer experience, Chat Bots help an organization to have timely conversations with users and give them product recommendations or suggestions. You can create your marketing strategies with consumer preferences in mind thus offering them targeted products.

4. On-going predictive analysis

Deep Learning plays a highly significant role in the data analysis process. Whether it’s a small or big organization, entrepreneurs will have the chance to perform successful data analytics. Predictive analysis becomes easier, and you can develop crystal clear ideas of customer preferences.

Signing off

If market reports and figures are anything to go by, Google is running 1000 deep learning projects as of now. The number of projects was only two in 2012, and this will succinctly explain the massive importance of DL in business marketing.

Ready to start building your next technology project?