Categories: Consulting

The Hiring Problem

By admin
8 years ago

What Is Wrong The Hiring Policies?


The most inherent problem with IT companies is the hiring process, and with it begins the downfall for most of them.

Recruiters miss out on these basic points.

1.) Transparency on financial interests & conflicts.

Very few candidates realize how much they are worth to a recruiter if they just happen to respond to that InMail. They also don’t realize that a contingency recruiter might get paid different rates by different clients and thus be incentive oriented to not disclose all prospective opportunities upfront, or to sell one opportunity harder than the other.

2.) Transparency on clients & the opportunity.

A surprisingly large number of agency & contingency recruiters claim to work with companies that have never made a hire through them.

Saying “I work with clients like AirBnB (or whatever)” usually means that they remove your contact information from your resume, and cold-email it to the Internal Recruiter or Hiring Manager there.

Likewise, a huge number of recruitment emails are unnecessarily vague on details about the company, the salary, the location, the team. It’s only after investing 30-minutes on a phone call that you learn that the “Senior iOS Engineer” position is actually a 6-month contract consulting for 3-person web design shop in Oracle, Bangalore.

The result? The good opportunities get tossed out with the bad, because the time cost of pursuing every lead is so massive.

3.) Intent filtering & centralization.

 Most source explorers play a guess & check game.

– I guess that this person might be open to new opportunities.

– I send them an inMail/Email/Private Message to check whether or not my guess is correct.

80% of the time you don’t even get a response, and when you do, most of the time the answer is “not interested right now”.

 Thus, a massive amount of time, effort & manpower is spent simply uncovering people who might potentially have the skills for a particular position and are potentially interested in interviewing or at least learning more about an opportunity.

 Even once all that hard work is done, the most common outcome is that they don’t get hired


Let’s say you’re the technical co-founder of a new startup that has had some traction, and there’s a backlog of work piling up. Fortunately, you’ve raised enough money to hire a few engineers. Because you’re probably the sole technical person, you are probably working on recruiting engineers full-time.  This is a bit troublesome you because it’s probably not what you think you’re best at. However, you’re probably doing a pretty good job because:

 1) You’re really good at selling the vision of the company because you’re so vested in it

 2) You have the technical chops and intuition to evaluate people based on some set of internal heuristics you’ve acquired through experience.

 Eventually, things are going well, your startup gets some more funding, and you decide you want to go back to doing what you think is real work. You hire an in-house recruiter to deal with your hiring pipeline full-time.

 This is where things start going south. Because recruiters are, generally speaking, not technical, instead of relying on some internal barometer for competence, they have to rely on some set of quickly identifiable attributes that function as a proxy for aptitude.

 So, what is the solution?

 How can you save your company the hiring costs?

 How can you save your company from hiring the wrong people?

 How can you optimise your hiring and concentrate on the core issues?

Contract Hiring is the answer.

Contract employment offers a variety of benefits for both employers and independent contractors. To receive the full benefits of hiring contract labor, businesses must study the guidelines for the definition of a contract worker set forth by the Internal Revenue Service to avoid paying extra taxes and other fines.

Money Saving

The hiring process, training and benefits associated with hiring full time employees can cost well into the thousands of dollars. Many small businesses do not have the resources to go through this process when in need of workers for a critical but finite project.

Specialized or Seasonal Help

Companies needing a specialized skill set for a finite or indefinite project may not wish to take the time to train new or current employees. They can hire contract laborers already experienced in the necessary competencies. These independent contractors can get the project off and running, supervise permanent employees who possess only the minimal skills necessary, set up project plans and fulfill all project needs in an expedited manner.

Employer Satisfaction

One of the main benefits, next to cost savings, for hiring contract labor involves the ease of separation. If an independent contractor does not fit in well with the company culture or is not performing to the satisfaction of the employer, the hiring manager can terminate the relationship with little or no paperwork.

Benefits to Contractors

Independent contractors make their own hours, decide when to work and who to work for. They do not depend on the success of a single business to produce income and meet their financial responsibilities.

Hiring is important.

Take the smarter way!