Categories: MobileTechnology

The Role Of Usability Testing In App Development

9 years ago

You build a feature-rich and scalable app for your target audience, and you think that’s quite adequate for effective business promotion. Well, the reality might have a different story to narrate. It’s not just enough to create stunning apps; it’s also essential to market them in a targeted manner. Identifying user behavior and usage patterns will result in successful app marketing.

While app usage data happens to be the preliminary step towards comprehending user behavior, it’s usability testing painting the full picture. In a nutshell, usability testing presents a more accurate, comprehensive, and precise picture of user behaviors.

Let’s turn to statistical references for a complete lowdown on the topic.

Statistics speak

According to reports published by Salesforce 2014, almost 85% of Smartphone users consider mobile devices to be an integral part of their day-to-day functioning. With this statistical reference, you develop a clear idea of app data usage. However, it is Usability Testing helping you delve deeper.

With that brief introduction, let’s discuss the importance of usability testing in app development.

Uncovering the significance

Also known as the ‘black box testing’ strategy, usability testing reveals the true experiences of your application user. From identifying their comfort levels to their learnability, Usability Testing happens to be the key to comprehending user behavior.

Here’s how it is important for app development projects.

        I.            Better app marketing

When considered along with app data usage, usability testing seems to be of paramount importance for app marketing. App developers will have the opportunity to develop a hypothesis about user behavior and experience, thus identifying loopholes in design or deployment of the application.

Better app marketing will emerge as the direct benefit.

      II.            Improving opt-ins

Opt-ins can turn out to be the best way to ensure regular engagement with users. According to another report published in Salesforce, not more than 8% of app users ignore or avoid push notifications.

Therefore, app makers will have the opportunity to offer opt-ins depending upon customer requirements and preferences. Usability Testing will increase and encourage user opt-ins.

    III.            The five crucial components

While dealing with Usability Testing, you will come across five crucial concepts. These concepts play the key role in understanding user behavior, thus determining the importance of Usability Testing.

  • Learnability
  • Memorization
  • Efficiency
  • Satisfaction
  • Errors

With references to these parameters, app makers can identify user behavior in a targeted manner. On the other end, the end user will also have numerous benefits to reap.

   IV.            Significance for customers

Usability Testing happens to be the umbrella term for innumerable testing techniques including system integration, functional testing, smoke testing, and unit testing. Apart from app developers, it’s beneficial for the customers too. Some of the advantages include:

  • Easy-to-use software
  • High-quality app development
  • Short learning curves for the new user
  • Better acceptance of apps

Parting thoughts

If performed in the right manner, Usability Testing might just turn out to be the key to improved app performance and better user engagement. With this technique, identification of performance loopholes and mitigation of such issues becomes easier than ever! Stunning applications with unique functionalities is what you get as an outcome.