Product Development

Top 10 Tips To Follow While Redesigning Your Website

4 years ago

A website authorizes the online presence of a brand. Every business should have a good responsive website which they should keep updated. Redesigning the complete website is also an important factor that plays role in the success of your site. There are various factors that are important for the success of your website such as page load time, navigation, amazing visuals, responsiveness, etc. Without an excellent website design no matter how good your product or services are, it will be of no use as the customer won’t navigate the site. 

One of the major concerns during redesigning a website is that you need to be even more careful than you were while designing the website for the first time. As any mistake now will lead to even more downtime and you could lose your current customers instead of gaining more. So in this blog, we will discuss the top ten tips that you should follow while redesigning your current website. Read on – 

1. The UI/UX matters

Make sure to redesign your site in a way that it becomes even more engaging to customers. The site must be easily navigable and have a good layout. You also need to ensure that your site is functioning properly and the UI/UX further enhances the whole thing. The website also needs to be simplistic for visitors and they get what they are seeking instantly.   

2. Page load time

The page load time is an important factor that brings in new visitors to your site. While redesigning make sure not to overboard with images and pages or you will surely lose visitors if your site loads slowly. A slow load time can impact your SEO also. Hence, you should ensure that you work on decreasing the load time or atleast do not slow it.

3. Know the pros and cons of your website

Before delving into the work, you must do a thorough analysis of your website. This will give you a clear picture of what you are looking for and how your site should appear after the redesign. You should know what you have to work on and what is fine. You can also compare with another site to know what you want and do not want. Make sure to share it with your website design company. 

4. Fix the mobile website experience

Most people use their mobile devices to navigate and do work. So it is an important factor to consider in your website designing strategy. You must know whether your website is responsive or it has any flaws and then works on it in your redesigning process. Give priority to mobile-friendly websites first. 

5. Fix an accurate budget

Fixing a budget prior to delving into the process is a major step you need to take up. If you are of the view that redesigning will cost you less than what you paid for in the first place then probably you are wrong. As with time technology changes, labour cost changes and there are various other things that come into play. It also depends on the different features and functionalities you need to integrate into the website. Hence, keep your budget in mind and then move forward. 

6. Analyze your site

Before delving into redesigning you must analyze all the outputs of your current site. In this way, you can later compare between the new site and the older one. This will give you an insight into ROI and the improvements your business has made after the upgradation. Hence, ensure to ask for these metrics from your web designing agency. 

7. Hire the right team for Website Redesign

It is really important to connect with a good website designing company, who will perform your website redesigning. The company should have experience in similar work and make sure to check out their portfolio before signing the deal. After all, your website is the face of your business on the internet and you cannot trust any random one for revamping it. 

8. Market it properly

Just redesigning the website will fetch you nothing if it is not marketed properly. Yes, you need to do this work again and relaunch your updated website. As you already have a customer base hence it will be easier this time but you need to inform your current and potential customers. This will give a boost to your site and more leads to your business. 

9. Provide a Proper Contact Information

Call to Action or CTA is a very important addition to your website that will direct your visitors to contact you. But one more thing that you should ensure is error-free, that is the contact us page. Your clients must get to connect with you easily. Display your contact information on almost every page so that clients can connect with you instantly. It is also advisable to have multiple ways of contacting you. 

10. Rethink your Brand’s voice

As soon as a user’s lands on your site they make an opinion about it in just a few seconds to you need to make an impact immediately otherwise you’ll lose the attention. For that rethink your brand and what exactly you want to portray yourself to your customers. Hence, make sure to add the USP, the CTA and your products or services alongside testimonials in a clear view.

Wrapping Up

All the above ten points are a basic checklist that you must follow while redesigning your site. By avoiding the mistakes and working on pain points will help you accomplish whatever you have strategized for your website. But the foremost thing you need for it is a good website designing team that will do the work for you. Do thorough research before assigning the work and discuss everything in detail. This will ensure there are no problems later on. 

You can connect with GoodWorkLabs for all your website development and revamping needs. Connect with the expert team here.