Categories: IoTTechnology

Wearable Devices – Taking IOT down the right path?

9 years ago

2016 is undoubtedly a decisive year for Internet of Things and Wearables. Both these technology revolutions happen to be the hottest in the tech arena today. While both these innovations have been considered and talked about individually until now, it’s time to see how they pair with each other. As both these technologies come together, we can surely expect exciting innovations to hit the consumer market as well as business landscape.

On that note, let’s find out whether both these technologies are at all complementing each other, and how wearable devices are revolutionizing Internet of Things.

Glimpses of the market trends

When it comes to wearable devices, users will come across numerous options. Activity trackers, smartglasses, smart watches, and embedded sensors are some of the most popular and remarkable devices in Wearables.

While some of these technologies are yet to grow and scale, most of them have successfully generated huge interest and excitement amongst users. According to reports published in Rackspace, nearly 18% of the population in UK and US are quite dependant on Wearables. That’s not all; a whopping 71% of British people and 82% of Americans claim to lead better lives because of these devices.

IoT and Wearable devices: Contending or Complementing

There has been quite a lot of buzz around the wearable technology and Internet-of-Things. Although wearable devices had some stipulated functions when they started off, things are quite different now. Today, wearable devices are no longer mediums to track fitness or see augmented views of the entire world around you.

The present times bring great opportunities for IoT. Enabling sensor-equipped things and devices to communicate with each other in actionable ways is the main idea. It’s here that present-day organizations require taking additional responsibilities.

Security will turn out to be a major concern, and it is up to the companies to decide how they will deal with the privacy or security issues.

Data analytics at its best

There is no denying the fact that Wearable devices will give birth to advanced data analytics. Businesses will have the golden opportunity to leverage this data, thus creating and providing customers with personalized products and services.

It’s not only the consumer markets reaping the benefits of IoT and wearable tech. Healthcare sectors will also experience some of the greatest advantages. With a more precise and comprehensive understanding of patients, healthcare sectors will offer targeted services.

What consumers have to say?

When it comes to discussing the consumer market, it’s highly imperative to consider both the forces. Since consumers are as important as the service providers, let’s check out what’s in store for them?

Both public sector organizations and government bodies are considering the huge potentials of wearable devices along with their impact on IoT. As far as users are concerned, the following stats will give you a crystal clear idea.

Almost 47% and 61% of wearable tech users felt intelligent and more informed because of this revolutionary union of IoT and wearables.

Signing off

With these developments in the tech arena, Wearable devices are undoubtedly taking Internet-of-things in the right direction.